1984 MA in textile design, University of Art and Design Helsinki (UIAH)
1965 Textile artist, Institute of Industrial Arts, Helsinki
TEACHING CAREER at University of Art and Design Helsinki
2000-2005 Senior lecturer, printed textiles
1998-2000 Project Manager, EU, SME project
1995-98 Head of Department, Textile Art and Fashion Design
1993-95 Deputy associate professor in textile art
1988-93 Senior lecturer, printed textiles
1973-88 Lecturer, printed textiles
2012 “Art – Nature – Ecology”, workshop director, Virrat, Finland
2010 “Time and Thought”, work shop mentor, Valkeakoski, Finland
2006 As resident artist in Oaxaca, Mexico
1999 “Sustainable Development InTextiles” symposium, Borås, Sweden, lecturer
1999 “Erasmus/Cumulus conference Ljubljana”, Slovenia, lecturer
1997 “Landscape in Textiles – Textiles in Landscape”, Scandinavian Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland
1996 “The 30th International Symposium on Novelties in Textiles”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, lecturer
1995 “Aurora borealis”, a Nordic textile exhibition and seminar, Vantaa, Finland, chair
1995 “Northern Fibre I”, Voipaala Art Center, Finland, coordinator, lecturer
1993 “International Design Workshop 2”, De Montfort University, Leicester, England, tutor
1992 “The 17th ICSID congress” Ljubljana, Slovenia, lecturer
1992 “Printed textiles workshop”, Kunstiülikool, Tallinn, Estonia, coordinator, lecturer
1992 “Linen goes from west to east/from east to west”, joint project by UIAH and Polytechnic University of St. Peterburg, Russia, coordinator, lecturer
1990 Cranbrook Academy and Rhode Island School of Design, U.S.A., lecturer
1989 “PrinTX-89, Nordic seminar on Printed textiles”, Helsinki, Finland, coordinator, chair
1986 Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden, lecturer (Nordplus teacher exchange program)
During the early part of my career I worked as full-time free-lance designer for several Scandinavian and international manufacturers of printed fabrics including Finlayson Oy, E. Helenius Oy, Marimekko Oy, Almedahls AB, Boråswäferi AB, Rydboholm AB, Mölnlycke AB, Courtaulds Ltd and Texoprint N.V.
EXHIBITIONS AND WORKSHOPS (by invitation or jury, a selected list)
2014 “30 Years International Textile Art Graz”, Graz, Austria
2014“Vapaa – Aika” (“Leisure Time”), City botanical gardens, Helsinki, Finland and Tartu, Estonia
2011 “Kaj Frank’s students”, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
2009 Kaunas Biennial Textile 09,Kaunas, Lithuania
2006 ”Kretongista Printtiin”, Vapriikki,Tampere, Finland (Exhibition of the Finnish printed fabrics designs through decades)
2005 ”Ornamon Vuoden Palkitut 2005” (”Ornamo Award Winners 2005”), Helsinki, Finland
2005 ”Biennale internationale du lin de Portneuf”, Quebec, Canada
2001 ”Fiber Art International, 7th biennal”, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
1999 “Sidos 2000”, Retretti Art Center,Finland
1998 ”Left Over”, Vantaa Art Museum,Finland
1997 “13. Symposium-Workshop 97, Internationale Textilekunst Graz, Austria
1995 “Northern Fibre I”, Voipaala Art Center, Finland
1988 “Scandinavian Craft Today”,American Craft Museum, New York, U.S.A.
1982 “Scandinavian and Japan CraftDesign Exhibition”, Kanazawa, Japan
1982 “Design in Finland“, St Paul, Cranbrook, Boston, Chicago, Phidadelphia, Washington DC.
1980“Ryijy Rugs from Finland”, TheRenwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC,
1974 “In Praise of Hands”, World CraftsCouncil, Toronto, Canada
Solo exhibition in Finland and Scandinavian venues in 1974-2007. Works in several collections e.g. 1965-66 designs for Marimekko in Design Museum Helsinki. Grants and scholarships from the Finnish Cultural Foundation (1999 and 2003) and the National Council for Design (2003). Served as juror for several textile exhibitions. Cross of Merit, Order of the Lion of Finland, Ornamo Art and Design Finland award winner (Textile Artist of the Year 2005), Invited expert opinion, Jackson Pollock Foundation , New York, U.S.A. (1999), ICSID Roster of Experts nominee (Design Education, Design Production, Fashion/Textiles) (1999),